Review of technology vocabulary
Phone collocations and vocabulary: https://kahoot.it/challenge/06988183?challenge-id=908c6aca-f6bf-4b33-9a06-b8cab8982221_1586689553099
Telephone and technology phrasal verb group sort (participle + preposition: https://wordwall.net/play/1410/906/958
Telephone and technology phrasal verb match: https://quizlet.com/_8aroqo?x=1jqt&i=1bpw83
Metaphors and Expressions based on technology: https://kahoot.it/challenge/02484040?challenge-id=908c6aca-f6bf-4b33-9a06-b8cab8982221_1586706357864
A video review of 0,1,2 and 3rd Conditionals
And an explanation of Mixed Conditionals
Now open a document in Google Docs. Go to this wordwall. Click on the boxes 1 by 1. When the box opens, type the beginning into your document and think of a suitable ending. When you've finished, share the document with me and I'll check that everything is OK.
Here is a sentence matching exercise with mixed conditionals
And a Kahoot looking at inverted conditionals https://kahoot.it/challenge/03167442?challenge-id=908c6aca-f6bf-4b33-9a06-b8cab8982221_1586711321452
Use of English
Part 2 practice:
The unhappiness of phones https://engexam.info/cae-reading-and-use-of-english-practice-tests/cae-reading-and-use-of-english-practice-test-7/2/
Part 3:
Blogging in the modern day https://engexam.info/cae-reading-and-use-of-english-practice-tests/cae-reading-and-use-of-english-practice-test-14/3/
Part 8:
We've seen it all before https://engexam.info/cae-reading-and-use-of-english-practice-tests/cae-reading-and-use-of-english-practice-test-7/8/
Royal Society The unstoppable spirit of inquiry https://engexam.info/cae-reading-and-use-of-english-practice-tests/cae-reading-and-use-of-english-practice-test-10/8/
Part 2
Robots like Termites https://engexam.info/cae-listening-practice-tests/cae-listening-practice-test-13/2/
Part 3
Speaking Pt 1- Random wheel questions with an emphasis on technology- Use ZOOM/Skype/Whatsapp to practice with a partner.
Speaking Pt 2- Two tasks to practise with a partner or record yourself and listen back
Speaking Pts 3+4- Collaboration/ Extended discourse
Use slides 2-4
A report. First look at this Prezi which gives a great overview
Then complete this task.

Write your report. Please type it and send it to redbushomework@gmail.com This will make it easier for your teacher to mark and easier for you to incorporate modifications without having to do complete re-writes.